@article{oai:nufs-nuas.repo.nii.ac.jp:00001567, author = {内田, 君子 and 奥田, 隆史}, issue = {17}, journal = {名古屋学芸大学研究紀要.教養・学際編, The journal of liberal arts, Nagoya University of Arts and Sciences}, month = {Mar}, note = {This practical study examined team-based learning (TBL) with a group of four members selected according to positive scores in GAMI. TBL experimental classes were used to examine the relation between seat arrangement and the effects of TBL. The results indicate that the effects on the team differ according to seat arrangement (i.e., LHHL versus LLHH; L: members with low positive scores in GAMI; H: members with high positive scores in GAMI). In addition, test scores, satisfaction level, and turn-taking of utterances were found to be low for LHHL, while test scores for LLHH were high under the TBL condition. The results suggest that seat arrangement is important for the successful functioning of the proposed four-member TBL.}, pages = {29--38}, title = {TBLにおける座席位置と学習成果との関係}, year = {2021}, yomi = {ウチダ, キミコ and オクダ, タカシ} }