@article{oai:nufs-nuas.repo.nii.ac.jp:00000189, author = {近藤, 紀男}, issue = {4}, journal = {名古屋学芸大学研究紀要. 教養・学際編, The journal of liberal arts, Nagoya University of Arts and Sciences}, month = {Feb}, note = {The Berne Convention provides that it is a matter for legislation in the member countries to prescribe whether works shall not be protected unless they have been fixed in some material form. This is one of the so-called compromise clauses between Common Law System and Civil Law System. In the former countries copyright is concerned principally with the tangible medium and in consequence its economic value than the inner merit of works, so the originality is conferred on the labour and skill expended in this respect. Hence, the fixation and the low hurdle of originality characterise the copyright system of common law countries where the romantic notion of the authors' right is hardly acceptable.}, pages = {75--96}, title = {著作権の要件としての固定}, year = {2008}, yomi = {コンドウ, ミチオ} }