@article{oai:nufs-nuas.repo.nii.ac.jp:00000704, author = {鈴木, 薫}, issue = {10}, journal = {名古屋学芸大学研究紀要.教養・学際編, The Journal of liberal arts, Nagoya University of Arts and Sciences}, month = {Feb}, note = {Suzuki (2012) reported several differences among the 5 schools for the deaf through a questionnaire survey. In this paper the same data is reanalyzed to find out some differences among the groups separated on the basis of auditory abilities. The data is detailed in two ways, by being divided into groups of three and five categories, with each case then being assessed by way of the X square test. Some significant differences are unique to both the three and five-categorized tests, and there are also differences seen in both tests, however, those and meaningful differences and are a supposed to be affective factors. The double testing method is unique and gives reliability to the results, which show that students with serious handicaps are less interested in going overseas, are unaware of American Sign Language, and have grades no higher than 5 in the STEP tests.}, pages = {109--123}, title = {聾学校生徒を対象としたアンケート調査:聴力レベル別の分析}, year = {2014}, yomi = {スズキ, カオル} }