@article{oai:nufs-nuas.repo.nii.ac.jp:00000975, author = {鈴木, 節子 and Tsukahara, Takayoshi and 塚原, 丘美 and 服部, 健治}, issue = {2}, journal = {名古屋学芸大学健康・栄養研究所年報, Annual Report of Institute of Health and Nutrition, Nagoya University of Arts and Sciences}, month = {Mar}, note = {近年、国民のライフスタイルが大きく変化したのと同時に食生活も欧米化している。そのために食事のバランスがくずれ、生活習慣病の増加が深刻な問題となっている。ライフスタイルは世代によって異なるために、それぞれの年代別に正しい食事を指導する必要がある。そこで我々は女子大学生と中高年女性の食生活の実態を明らかにし、今後の栄養教育で何を改善させるかを明らかにするために、本学女子大学生144名と愛知県と岐阜県在住の中高年女性286名を対象として「食事バランスガイド」を用いた食生活調査を行った。 調査の結果、食事バランスガイドの認知度は両群ともに37% であった。女子大学生では、食事バランスガイドを認知している者の方が主食・副菜・主菜を組み合わせて食べていることが明らかとなった。主食の摂取量は両群ともに約70% の者が目安量を下回っているにもかかわらず『充分に食べている』と意識していた。副菜の摂取量は女子大学生と中高年女性でそれぞれ59% と37% の者が目安量を下回っているにもかかわらず『充分に食べている』と意識していた。 本調査によって主食と副菜において、摂取量に対する意識と実際の摂取量との間に大きな差があることが明らかとなった。今後は食事バランスガイドを活用して、それぞれの世代に応じた食教育が望まれる。, Recent westernization of the eating habits is one of the major changes in the life style in Japanese, resulting in the dietary imbalance. And the increased modality of life style-related diseases is an important problem in Japan as well as western countries. In order to reduce the modality, education on the desirable eating habits would be useful. However, the eating habits would differ depending on the generations and the differences remain unclear. Therefore, this study was conducted to investigate the differences in the eating habits between a young and middle-aged generation and to clarify the points that should be addressed by nutritional education. The eating habits of 144 female students in our university and 286 community-dwelling middle-aged women were evaluated by using the Japanese Food Guide Spinning Top (Japanese Food Guide ST). The Japanese Food Guide ST was recognized only in 37 % of the both generations. The dietary balance was better in the students who knew the Japanese Food Guide ST. The intake of grain was lower than the amount indicated by the Japanese Food Guide ST in 70% of the both generations, in spite of their answering of “I eat enough it”. The intake of vegetable was also lower than the appropriate amount by the Japanese Food Guide ST in 59% and 37% of young and middle-aged generation, respectively, despite that they answered, “I eat enough it”. These observations suggest that there were discrepancies between awareness about grain and vegetable intake and their real amounts, and generation-specific education of the eating habits using the Japanese Food Guide ST according to the differences in the generation would be required.}, pages = {81--88}, title = {女子大学生と地域中高年女性の食事摂取量調査-食事バランスガイドを用いた評価-}, year = {2008}, yomi = {スズキ, セツコ and ツカハラ, タカヨシ and ハットリ, ケンジ} }